Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Inlandsbanan: Part 6 - Day 6: Arvidsjaur to Gällivare

Here is a summary of what is spent on Day 6.

24/7: Took a stroll in Skolskogen (the school forest). Saw reindeers in town. Depart from Arvidsjaur at 1703 hours. Stopped at Pole Circle. Arrive in Gällivare (the final station and destination for Inlandsbanan) at 2147 hours. 

(1) Lunch - Souvra plate SEK129, canned drink SEK20
(2) Coffee on the train - SEK20 
(3) Accommodation at Gällivare Bed & Breakfast - SEK587 per person for 2 nights. 

The Story
24072022 - Our next stop is Gällivare and the train will pass by Arvidsjaur at 5pm so we had the whole day to explore Gällivare. For breakfast, we had blueberries from a nearby forest and some food that we bought from the local supermarket. We were adventurous and bought smoked reindeer meat. The meat is quite tough for me. Also, the hostel that we stayed in provided breakfast cereals so we could have that with our yoghurt.

We decided to explore a forest nearby - skolskogen. It has a short trail and along the trail, we found cloudberries! We were so ecstatic when we found them and stuffed ourselves! The cloudberries were next to giant blueberries. Blueberries in the north are so much bigger than the ones in Stockholm.

We walked back into town to look for a random spot to have lunch and to our surprise, we saw reindeers taking a break in town. I thought they were statues until one of them moved! The reindeers moved eventually and one of them even stopped in the middle of the road and the car has to wait for the reindeer to move. The car driver did not even honk. We waited there for 20 minutes and the reindeer finally walked away. Haha!

It was not difficult to make choices to choose a place to eat as we did not have many options to choose from. Just some kebab with fries. 

After lunch, we headed back to our accommodation to check out and we made our way to the train station. We were there an hour earlier than the scheduled departed time.

On the train ride, we stopped at Pite river to cross the bridge by foot. The conductor explained that this is a bridge shared between the train and car. There are no gates to stop either vehicles so in most cases, the car has to give way to the train.

Can you see the road for car is on the right side? Both road and train tracks merge on the bridge.

We passed by the Arctic Circle. The train stopped here for a while so that tourists like me can take a photo with the sign. Haha! Above the Arctic Circle, the sun never sets during the summer.

Finally, we arrived at Gällivare at 9.47pm! That is our single train car that we took. So happy to reach the final station of Inlandsbanan. 

The train station house.

See how bright it is at 1030pm! 

Our accommodation for two days is in this huge house. It looks very pretty! 

The room is small and it was a bit of a squeeze for the three of us.

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