Sunday, December 29, 2019

Kebnekaise: Part 4 - Day 4: The hike up and down Kebnekaise

Day 4
Here is a summary of what is spent on Day 4.

4/8 Day 4: Hike up and down Kebnekaise. Hike started at 8.39am, reached the peak at 5.30pm and we reached back to the tent at 2am the next day. 17.5 hours of hike.

Must-Incur Costs
(1) Real Turmat dried food - SEK297 (SEK99 each for breakfast, lunch and dinner)

Optional Costs

The Story
04082019: Today is the day we hike Mount Kebnekaise. We have met a couple of hikers yesterday on their experience. A group went up so fast that the hikers did not feel satisfied because they could not enjoy the scenery. A couple was slow and took up to 19 hours. Two sisters went up and down and could not squat the next day. Most of them took 12 hours to finish the hike. 

Here is the food that we brought for the hike. Dried food for lunch and dinner. Our celebratory beer to be drank at the peak. Sweets, nut mix and energy bar. 

The hike started at 8.39am. We were all smiles, walking slowly and pausing to enjoy the view. It is magnificent. It was difficult to not stop and just absorb the scene, but we knew we had to keep going or else it will be late by the time we get back to the tent. The initial uphill was gradually ascending and not tough yet.

We reached the part where one can refill their water bottles. The water here is so fresh and cooling. The source is from the glaciers.

My friend was surprised to see snow during the summer and made a tiny snowman.

We stopped for lunch at 12.50pm. We could see many hikers on the way down. From this point, it was lots of unstable walking for me due to the huge rocks and stones. The guys did not have any problem. I called one of them a mountain goat. It was as if he was born to be in the mountains. I hated the hike. It became a steep uphill and then a steep downhill and then another steep uphill. When I reached the top of the first steep uphill, I cried inside my heart looking at the steep downhill and to the next steep uphill. It does not help that there were just loose stones and rocks. My knees were just wobbly and thankfully, I had my knee guards. We had to go back to the tent the same way too.

But I just kept putting one step forward because I know, that this moment will pass. 

The old hut before the peak. There is a new hut about 100 meter before the peak.

I could see the snow-capped peak now. It was 5.08pm.

The guys hiked up with ease to the peak, whereas I was on all fours scrambling up the peak because it was icy under the snow. One can rent crampons for SEK160 for a day but I did not want to. Some said it was worth renting the crampons but I thought that I could manage the last 40m of ice and snow without a problem. Yeah, I had a little problem and my friend had to pull me up to the peak before I slid down. It snowed a bit too. Odd.

And we made it, after 9 hours, at 5.30pm, the three of us sat on the peak of Kebnekaise at 2097m. The peak was narrow and I held on to my friend so that none of us slid over. One of us drank the celebratory beer. A guy and I slid down the snow-capped peak and got snow in our pants. It was cold and wet for me as I hiked my way back.

The old hut has two beds. One can take shelter here.

The gorgeous sunset on our way back.

We had our dinner at 2322 hours by the melted glaciers. It is considerably bright for such late hours. It was not dark, but just lesser light.

We got back to the tent at 2am, took a hot shower and got to our sleeping bags.

I admit, I was the one that dragged us, the weak link in the chain. I was exhausted and my legs were giving in to the loose rocks and stones. My legs were so unstable that I could just roll over the slope anytime but I did not want to injure myself or trouble others. So, I kept telling myself - this moment will pass. 

I wondered what the guys thought of my speed. Haha! I know always that I have weak legs due to my scoliosis but I don't know if those who followed me knew what it was like. I guess we will see if we hike again! :)

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