Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Still fresh

On 4 July, I got a Google reminder of a photo I took of you going down the escalators in KLIA. 4 years back. I got shocked when I got that reminder and that pang of sadness hit me. I am not a fan of flashbacks. What happened in the past should stay that and not be reminded that this happened eon years back. 

Maybe just for the happy memories between us. 

Because I am still bitter, I guess? 

Many changes have happened within the family and I am pretty sure that the 3 of you are aware of it. With your super-sonic radars. They said that if one is reborn, they forget their past life. So, I wondered also if you have been reborn and we are forgotten. I would hate to think that. 

But I met a job coach who carried the same name as you albeit missing one letter from her name because it's the Swedish version. Her name was Lisa and I thought - what a coincidence. And then, when I saw her second name - Elisabet, I went - Is this for real? So, maybe you have not been reborn and you are guiding us and dropping hints wherever you can. 

I dreamt of Ing once last week and I forgot what was it about a few minutes later. 

I don't know if the trees they planted in Holland for the memorial have grown. While a part of me wishes to see your trees, a part of me feels bitter in doing so. 

Well, not crying in writing this post is probably a sign that I am managing my emotions better, although I am still sad inside. They said that it takes time. 

Yup, a pretty long time.