Saturday, August 6, 2016

Maliau Basin : Part 4 - Day 3 Morning : The 5.5km walk to Maliau Waterfalls

08072016 : Today, we are headed to Maliau Waterfalls, one of the must-see waterfalls in Maliau Basin. I was pretty excited to see it because this is one of the reasons I got interested in Maliau Basin, besides the fact its nickname is 'The Lost World of Sabah'. 

Before the trek, the guide and the porters prepared a delicious spread of breakfast. Can you imagine this being prepared in the jungle? This is luxury for me! I don't even have this back in the city. There is even peanut butter jam! So, we have fried glass noodles, fried crabstick and potato wedges. Also, there are coffee sticks, tea and milo sachets. I am so blessed with food in this trip. I have mentally prepared myself for insufficient food but this is way much more than I expected.

We got our lunch packs and we are ready for our walk. I brought 1 liter water. I was very fearful if it was sufficient. Thankfully, I did not drink much water and I survived with 1 liter for a return trip. 

We started at 8.25am and the distance is 5.5km. Along the way, we climbed down a few wooden ladders. They were not dangerous. The trail is safe and dry because it was the dry season. Ascending and descending. I got my photos taken by Uncle Mak and also the organiser, Lee Yee Yee. Yay! It is a bit difficult to remove my camera and take my own photos. I saw various mushrooms because Uncle Mak spotted them. His eyes are so sharp and amazing at his age of 62 years.

I also wore my leech socks and thankfully, did not get bitten by any leeches due to the dry season. However, the leech socks keep sliding down to my heels and it is so annoying. I have no idea how to wear these socks. Next time, I am wearing football socks.

This is Uncle Mak and Teacher Lim. They are 62 years old and fit.

Can you see the rim of Maliau Basin? Can you understand why is this place call a basin now? 

Oh, this is a famous spot to take photos. This root is shaped like a love.

This is a ginger flower.

This is the first jungle I encountered where there are triangular carvings on the fallen tree trunks to allow trekkers to climb over easily. It is so thoughtful, the park rangers.

And at 12.10pm, we reached Maliau Waterfalls! It is not a very strenuous journey as others reached an hour earlier though. I was busy snapping photos and enjoying my stroll. Hehe! Next post is on Maliau Waterfalls!

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