Saturday, July 27, 2013

Tiring Journey to a Better Spine

In my previous post on scoliosis which I am currently having, I have registered myself for 12 sessions of Power Plate exercise and spine realignment.

I did my first treatment yesterday. Power Plate exercise is interesting. I was doing yoga movement on a vibrating machine. The challenge came when I have to use my arms. The arms protested and I finally gave in. During the spine realignment which took about 10 minutes only, it involved pressing the spine while my legs were levelled up and down. Then, pressing down my upper back while I breathe out through my mouth. Then, nerve pinching at the neck. Then, twisting the neck left and right. Spine realignment hurts. 

Today, I did my second treatment. Power Plate exercise left my limbs lifeless. The legs are aching. The arms are protesting unable to support my weight. Arms and neck muscles are very weak. I was never a fan of muscular limbs in myself, but I guess, for this, I have to make an exception. Spine realignment did not hurt that bad anymore because I know what to expect from it. 

I am not complaining that I have scoliosis. It is just a tiring process to get a better spine. 

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