Friday, December 4, 2015

Sweden : Part 5 - Day 3 : Stockholm Walk and Flea Market in Hotorget

20092015 - After the past 19 days exploring parts of Europe and Norway, today, we took our sweet time to enjoy Stockholm. It is a lovely Sunday morning. Prof Sweet Tooth starts work the next day, and I explore Stockholm by myself tomorrow onwards. So, Prof Sweet Tooth brought me around Stockholm town, telling me names of places and directions which I don't remember after 5 minutes of him explaining to me. Haha! I assured him to not worry because I will ask for directions.

We walked for about 30 minutes from his place in the outskirts to town. I saw my first small flea stall along the pavement. Just a few clothes. Prof Sweet Tooth told me that he will bring me to a bigger flea market. He mentioned a name which I could not understand. Swedish is a difficult language.

Of course, every town has its own giant chess set. Last time I saw one was in Christchurch, New Zealand. Maybe it is a Western culture.

There are also bicycles for rent to cycle around Stockholm. I did not mind not cycling. I preferred walking. I wouldn't know the proper places to park the bicycle, and not to mention the extra monies to rent a bicycle. Plus, I think it is pretty cold to cycle in Stockholm! Especially when you can feel the wind in the face as you cycle.

Panoramic view of the pier which is close by to the Royal Palace. Such a gorgeous view of the blue waters with blue sky. Everything is blue. It is beautiful. I was in such good luck!



We kept walking and he brought me to Kungstradgarden. In English, it means King's Garden. There was a small food booth where I bought a plate of grilled salmon with potatoes. Don't be shocked by the price - SEK140. I tried to ignore it as I paid the money. I was pretty hungry and I needed the food. Prof Sweet Tooth had my potatoes and he was equally surprised by the price.

The walk continues to a flea market in Hotorget. It was huge! My first flea market. Prof Sweet Tooth tells me that he visits the flea market during the weekends, and now I can see why. There are so many things on display. Memories to be sold. Or just junk people want to get rid of. Haha! Books, ornaments, dolls, utensils, CD, clothes. You name it, and probably you can find it somewhere!

The walk continues to see the sunset. We could see the City Hall on the right. It is the tall tower.

I have walked so much and it was so tiring. The legs. Tomorrow, I exhaust my legs further and explore more of Stockholm town.

1 comment:

P.H. said...

Ah, you got a photo of the funny gentleman with the open jacket beside the chess game. He truly represent the original people of the southern part of Stockholm City. Kids and these kind of gentlemen are the ones that delivers the truth, as they say. Maybe with more hickups when the gentleman speaks, he he!