Friday, December 14, 2012

Shangri-la : Part 15 - Lijiang Impressions

We left Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, and in about 15 minutes, we reached the open stage of Lijiang Impressions. We were still in Jade Dragon Snow Mountain Glacier Geopark. It was 3050m above sea level. There are 3 performances in a day. Ours was at 11am. There were caps provided, and since we are at such a high altitude, I can imagine the scorching sun, and true enough, I felt like my left side of the face was on fire. Okay, maybe fire is over-rated, but I could really feel the heat. Very strong heat.

Lijiang Impressions is choreographed by Zhang Yimou, the same person who choreographed Beijing Olympics. There are 500 people performing and all of them are farmers.

And as I entered, I was shocked by the huge stage. I have seen the photos, but seeing the real thing is a totally different matter. The background is Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. It was crowded at the bottom, and the tour guide had advised us to sit at the top center to get a better view.

When we arrived, the performance has started. There were people singing at the bottom right. Words were shown on the screen. The performance heated up with the pace of the music getting faster. The performance is unbelievable. Sometimes, there were acoustic music and their voices can be heard so loudly. Their voices were strong and loud. Even at a high altitude, the performers were so energetic. They ran, jumped and sang with so much energy. The traditional song accompanying the performance was just perfect. I love the song. The only words I could remember till today is 'tian sha.. yi la suo'. I felt touched listening to the melody despite not understanding the lyrics. Soft melody, soothing voice.

The steps and movements were synchronised, and it was amazing to see that!

The different costumes the performers wore based on the ethnics. At the end of the performance, each representative from each ethnic spoke to introduce themselves, thanked everyone for watching and expressed their hopes to see all of us again.

Then, the performers collected the cushions from the seats. Farmers, performers, and now stage workers.

After the 1-hour performance, it was time for lunch. The lunch was part of the package we paid for. It was tasteless, but I was hungry, and I was thankful that there was quite a complete meal provided!

Next up - to see the lakes in the Geopark.

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